Sites, pages, and blogs in the domain

Contact: my contact information. Looking to get in touch with me? Here’s how.

Dissertation: the most up-to-date work on my dissertation, Impact of a leadership development program on interpersonal conflict in a Coast Guard staff command, a part of my work for a doctorate from the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University.

Curriculum Vitae: my credentials & course of life. Includes material formally posted at Teacher, my credentials package for my candidacy to serve on the faculty of an independent school, and Adjunct, my credentials package for my candidacy to serve as an adjunct faculty member for undergraduate and graduate programs in administration, management, and leadership.

Photos: a few photos of my family.

Poetry: my collected poetry, including prose poems

Essays: a few essays; this site very much still under construction.

TidewaterMusings: a blog; musings, ruminations, rants, & raves about the swirling haze around him: politics, technology, poetry, life, war, peace, conflict, love, crisis, education, news, leadership, organizations, the Coast Guard, sons, teaching, confinement, family, friends, ideas, relationships, community, schools, independent schools, education, and pretty much anything else

A School to Call Home (schoolblog)
: about my search for a faculty appointment at an independent, secondary school.Professor: For supplemental and instructor-specific materials for the undergraduate and graduate courses I teach.

Archives: Bits and pieces from around the Internet; stuff I thought worth holding on to, perhaps.

Lifestream: Pretty much everything I’m doing online.